Faiths only Limit is the Doubt we Carry Day to Day

Hebrews 11:1 New Living Translation (NLT)

11 Faith shows the reality of what we hope for; it is the evidence of things we cannot see.

We don’t make a mess of our lives on purpose but we are only human and sometimes our choices and the associated consequences can put us in a difficult place in life.

When God decides to transform our lives many times he first has to get our attention and that may result in a trial of our Faith. How do we know God has allowed us to be in a difficult situation? Because the writer of Hebrews says clearly it is a marker of our Faith that our Hope be in a conclusion of our difficulty into something we cannot see in the middle of the trial that is better than where we are today. In the middle of the trials it can be a challenge to see the message, recognize a testimony and move out of the victim stage that is our human habit. Only a Faith in Gods power to change our lives and circumstances along with our willingness to apply our energy to change our lives can we become a living testimony of the Faith we Hope for and the brighter tomorrow we cannot see today.