God’s Plan for our Hope– Advent Week 1 ( Hope )

This verse has been a great Hope to me in my life. It has provided great comfort in times of trouble and stress. It reminds me when I am in a hopeless state and realize I can’t see the way out of the darkness that this is a time in my life where God ensures I look to him. It is an uplifting thought to know that no matter where I am God has a plan for me and He is watching over me all the time.

It is a great revelation for us to realize that God’s plans are for our prosperity. The direction God has for us is to ensure a Hope and a Future. We may be living today in a difficult time but deep in our heart we know that God loves us more than we can imagine, and he has a plan for our lives. He will light the path for that plan once we decide that we cannot fix our life on our own but need Him for the Future and come to the understanding that He is our Hope.