Stewardship – Blessings & Harvest

Post 2 – Accountability

Once we can recognize God as our creator and owner it helps to prepare us spiritually for a life of true stewardship. If we embrace our role and purpose in life as a steward then we understand we are “accountable” to the Owner for a return on what He has blessed us with.    

Let’s reflect a moment on our perspective of accountability. In our day to day lives we have become comfortable with our self-imposed levels of accountability. The most common areas for us are around local municipal laws and regulations – speed limits, stop signs, stop lights, no parking areas……..

To make sure we are prepared to live within these boundaries we have to pass a test and obtain a drivers license just to have the privilege to participate in driving and thus we become accountable to the laws and rules that are set for us. We know these boundaries are for our safety and well being but we also would have to admit that we transgress them from time to time? We also know that if we are caught in that transgression we stand accountable to the law we broke and the municipality that established it. We also readily understand that we are responsible for our conduct while driving and we cannot compare our view of the laws or our transgressions to others. We may know all to well how this goes when our response to the officer that pulled us over for speeding is “ but officer everybody else was passing me….”

If simply apply this logic to stewardship we are accountable to the owner for what he has entrusted to us and He has provided guidelines and boundaries for us in all ares of our lives on how we are to conduct ourselves and how we reflect our accountability by our actions. By looking at God as our creator and owner and knowing we are accountable for giving back to Him a return on the blessings he has provided us it positions us to live our lives more from our heart and spirit than our head. Our brains are powerful computers but we may often solve lots of challenges that God never intended us to bear but we ignored His speed limit or stop sign. We will now begin to look at several areas of our lives where God provides guidance for us as a steward. We will take a look at the area, the Biblical guide for each, and compare God’s guidance to our perspective and actions.