The Mirror of a New Year

The reflections of the past year become our starting point for a New Year with our focus and eyes on God. The new clean page of the year in front of us is both exciting and humbling that while there is much to do we cannot do it all alone. This is a good time to begin to look forward and understand that our actions make a difference not only in our lives but in the lives of those that we meet along our way. Our actions, whatever they may be, will affect our lives and be seen by others as more than just  our actions. Our lives at some point reflect what is in our heart and that shows clearly our character or what drives us from the inside. If God is present in our lives and at the center of our hearts then His love will show through in what we do each day. It is a powerful enough reminder for us that our goals and actions in this year have a result that would reflect God’s love and purpose in our lives. This thought may also help us prioritize, in this busy world, what we invest our time and energy in for the coming year knowing that it will reflect our relationship with God.