2 Corinthians 5:10
10 For we must all stand before Christ to be judged. We will each receive whatever we deserve for the good or evil we have done in this earthly body.
Jesus death on the cross and resurrection on the third day provided the certainty of God’s love for us in fulfilling His plan of salvation for everyone. Jesus death provided God’s mercy in forgiveness of our sins that we are guilty of and the unmerited blessing of eternal life, God’s Grace was assured for us in His resurrection. God’s love that was fulfilled in Jesus is available for everyone to accept as the gift of salvation. God desires a relationship with everyone yet the choice of belief in Jesus is the only way we can open a door for that relationship. Jesus died for the best and worst of us yet we often don’t think that it is a conscious choice available to everyone. It is easy to think that the choice is relative and our results in life are optional choices as well. The reality is that in Jesus sacrifice we are all accountable for the lives and works we produce while we are here in this life.
Our prayer today is that we stand ready to answer God’s “knock” of opportunity in our lives and that our works support our faith so that our lives reflect the love of Jesus Christ and that our results and motives will be found as good in His judgement.