On Monday, the day after Jesus entry into Jerusalem, the scripture finds him returning to the town and into the temple. On the way into the temple were tables occupied by moneychangers who sold sacrifices to the temple visitors to offer up for their forgiveness. This process of religion was followed but human nature had allowed it to become a set of unethical business transactions. There was an unfair exchange of money at inflated prices for imperfect animals to sacrifice. When Jesus observed this, he was angry and drove them out of the temple. His simple but forceful assertion defined the purpose of the temple and the place they had allowed it to become . The temple was to be a place of prayer not of cheating the followers that were required to offer a sacrifice when they came to worship. This can provide a vivid check point for our service and lives today as God’s Church. Paul recognized our bodies as a temple for God and encourages the Church in Jesus Christ to offer our lives as a living sacrifice to God.
Romans 12:1-2 (NLT) 12 And so, dear brothers and sisters, I plead with you to give your bodies to God because of all he has done for you. Let them be a living and holy sacrifice—the kind he will find acceptable. This is truly the way to worship him.
The translation of a living sacrifice is to give our daily lives ( sleeping, eating, working, leisure ….. ) in service to God. Paul says that is our path to true worship of God. We sometimes allow sin to become a part of our lives and it hinders our relationship with God. Jesus provides the same opportunity for us to allow Him to help point out thru the Word where we may be off track. May His Word help drive out the sin in our lives, so that out lives are an acceptable life that we live to Honor God.