The people gathered on the first Palm Sunday were very enthusiastic to see this Jesus that they had heard so much about. Their interest were certainly at a peak because they heard Lazarus was with him and the story going around was that Jesus had raised him from the dead ? As he came into town Matthew records in Vs 9 that the people shouted that “ he Came in the name of the Lord”. The gospel says that the town was in an uproar and people asked – “ who is this ? “ and other people in the crowd identified Jesus as a Prophet from Nazareth. With the number of people Jesus had reached at this point being in the thousands it is certain that some of these people had seen at least a few of His miracles and listened to His teaching. Yet after all that, and being in His daily presence, they still don’t know exactly who He was so they labeled Him a prophet. The title of Prophet would be an admirable one for any of us but it was a misguided label to put on the Creator of our lives and the door to our eternal life. I think at some age as we grow and mature that question, ( Who Is This ?) comes to our minds. We cannot let our mind make the decision for us as to Who Jesus is in our lives. Our minds’ like those gathered as Jesus entered Jerusalem on that first Palm Sunday, search for a logical and reasonable identity to put on Jesus. The decision comes from the heart and recognizing who He really is, and who He really should be in our lives.