As the result of circumstances in our lives we sometimes would describe ourselves as “broken”. The term “broken” can take on many faces; it can describe a part of our life that is dysfunctional for one reason or another; it can refer to a vital relationship in our lives that was a part of our identity that has changed and it can also refer to our whole state of being or our spirit is “broken” leaving us unable to function in our day to day lives.
It doesn’t matter how we got to where we are even though we spend a lot of time and energy trying to go back and analyze what happened and who might be to blame. God doesn’t look backward except to provide us an example of faith that can help us move forward. Our faith puts us in a position for God to work in our lives as we work for a positive change. Fortunately, God is in the restoration business of making new from old – 2
2 Corinthians 5 : 17 NLT17 This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!
Our faith to move forward all starts with Jesus Christ. God did all the heavy lifting thru the cross and the resurrection. God Loved us before we loved Him – He made the first move and the next move is ours and if we are “broken” then God has allowed us to be here to prepare us for our next move. God will move mountains to create an opportunity for us and we have to be prepared to move in faith according to the purpose He calls us to.