God provided the Holy Spirit thru Jesus Christ on the day of Pentecost. The result recorded by Luke in Acts 2 was the first sermon in this present Church age by Peter. Those that heard the message that day with an open heart were convicted of their sin and eternal lost nature which left them asking Peter “ What must we do to be saved ?” This is the question that comes to us when we realize that despite our best efforts we cannot live our lives with God and the presence of the Holy Spirit as our guide. Peter’s answer to the listeners that day is as clear today as it was when he spoke the words “ Repent and be Baptised….” For the forgiveness of sins. When our hearts are initially convicted of our lost state as sinners the one convicting us is the Holy Spirit. Our response in a confession of faith in Jesus Christ allows us an open path to God to seek forgiveness of our sins. That confession and exchange opens our heart for the presence of the Holy Spirit to fulfill the promise Peter gave us in verse 39. It is what moves us thru the 2 steps of repentance – forgiveness and commitment. Asking God for forgiveness of our transgressions and in commitment to live a better life going forward. The grace in forgiveness finds its purpose in how we live each day in the power of the Holy Spirit. That power is what initially brings us to a confession of faith. It is the power that brings us to the waters of baptism to wash away the old grip that sin has on our lives and to come forth from the waters of baptism as a new washed clean spirit into a new life. May that promise be made real in our lives so that our lives become a call to others for the same promise of salvation.